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The Jones County Jail is located in the basement of the Jones County Courthouse. It is responsible for housing individuals arrested by local law enforcement as well as those who are serving sentences. This facility can house up to 21 male and female inmates.
How to Send Mail or Package
Family and friends may write to inmates who are confined in the Jones County Jail. They may send letters or money orders. All incoming mail will be opened and inspected for contraband. It must include the return address and complete name of the sender. You may send mail to:
Inmates Name (Last Name, First Name, NO NICKNAMES!)
C/O Jones County Jail
101 S. Market St.
Trenton, NC 28585
Funds may be deposited into an inmate’s account through money orders dropped off in person from Monday to Friday, 8am to 5pm. You may also send money orders through the mail. Make sure that the money order is payable in the inmate’s name.