Sawmills North Carolina Police Station Information
Sawmills is rated a D- for crime and safety because of its higher than average crime rate. The overall crime rate of the city is higher than the national average by 23%. In fact, 79% of the cities in the US are considered safer than Sawmills. The chances of becoming a victim of a crime is 1 in 35. However, the city’s total year over year crimes has decreased by 3%.
The Catawba County Sheriff’s Office provides law enforcement services to the town of Sawmills. It is made up of several divisions and units such as Patrol, Narcotics, Investigations, Civil, and Records. The Patrol Division provides 24/7 police services to the residents of the county. It has 58 assigned deputies that are responsible for answering all calls for service from the community as well as conducting property checks and serving criminal and civil papers. The Criminal Investigations Division investigates major crimes committed in the county and crime scene processing. It is made up of several units such as the Special Victims Unit and Crime Scene Investigation and Evidence Control. The Narcotics Division is responsible for investigating illegal drug activities in the area. The head of the Catawba County Sheriff’s Office is Sheriff Don Brown. He can be reached directly via email at [email protected].
Sawmills Police Department Address:
100 Government Drive., Building E, Newton, NC 28658
Sawmills Police Department Phone Number: