Inmate Records Check

Arrests, Warrants, Mugshot, Bookings

Burke County Court, NC

Morganton North Carolina Police Station Information

As of August 2022, there are 114 registered sex offenders living in Morganton. The ratio of sex offenders to residents is 150 to 1.

Morganton is rated an F for crime and safety because of its higher than average crime rate. The overall crime rate of the city is higher than the national average by 79%. In fact, 87% of the cities in the US are considered safer than Morganton. The chances of becoming a victim of a crime is 1 in 24. The city’s total year over year crimes has not changed.

The Morganton Public Safety Department is a multi-purpose agency that provides law enforcement and fire services to the people who live and work in the city. It is organized into several divisions – Criminal Investigation, Field Operations, Support Services, and Fire Services. The Field Operations is responsible for police patrol operations. It also supervises several specialty units such as SWAT, Police and Fire Reserves, and the K-9 program. The Support Services Division manages training, recruitment, Animal Control, finances, Parking Enforcement, Communications, and Records. The Criminal Investigations Division is further divided into the Criminal Investigations General Assignment Unit and the Vice and Narcotics Unit. The Fire Services Division is responsible for providing fire suppression, technical rescue operations, and hazardous materials mitigation within the city. The head of the Morganton Public Safety Department is Chief Jason Whisnant. He can be reached directly at 828-432-2676 and [email protected].

Morganton Police Department Address:
304 S. College St.
Morganton, NC 28655

Morganton Police Department Phone Number:

Morganton Police Department Additional Information:

Address 1: 304 College St
City: Morganton
State: North Carolina
Zip Code: 28655-3845
County: Burke County
Phone #: 828-438-5290
Fax #: 828-432-2514

Additional Information:

Type: Police Departments
Population Served: 17150
Number of Officers: 78

Records Request and Mugshots in Morganton North Carolina

The Records Division of the Morganton Public Safety Department is located within the headquarters at 304 S. College Street. All reports and documents generated by the department are managed by the staff of this division. You can obtain a copy of a police report by visiting the Records Division in person or sending your request through mail. You will need to include a self-addressed stamped envelope. Copies of reports are also available online through the Police-2-Citizen website. If you have any questions, you can call the Records Division at 828-438-5290.

Inmate Records Check

Arrests, Warrants, Mugshot, Bookings

County Sheriff, Warrant, Most Wanted Information in Morganton, North Carolina

The Morganton Public Safety Department along with the Burke County Sheriff’s Office share information on the individuals included on their Wanted List online. The list is arranged alphabetically based on last names. It displays each individual’s complete name, race, age, sex, charge, address, and the agency who has the warrant. If you have information on an individual shown on this list, you can contact the Morganton Public Safety Department at (828) 437-1211 or the Burke County Sheriff’s Office at (828) 438-5500.

Morganton North Carolina Information

Morganton is a city located in Burke County where it serves as the county seat. Based on the 2020 census, it has a total population of 17,474. The total area of the city is 19.24 square miles. The current mayor of Morganton is Ronnie Thompson. He can be reached directly at 828-437-6994 and his email is [email protected].

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