Davidson County Court

Wallburg North Carolina Police Station Information

As of August 2022, there is 1 registered sex offender living in Wallburg. The ratio of sex offenders to residents is 3,131 to 1 which is much lower than the state average.

Wallburg is rated an A for crime and safety because of its lower than average crime rate. The overall crime rate of the city is lower than the national average by 50%. In fact, only 38% of the cities in the US are considered safer than Wallburg. The chances of becoming a victim of a crime is 1 in 86. In addition, the city’s total year over year crimes has decreased by 3%.

The Davidson County Sheriff’s Office provides law enforcement services to the town of Wallburg. It is made up of several divisions including Patrol, Civil, Investigations, and Technical Services. The Patrol Division is responsible for assigning deputies into all areas under the jurisdiction of the Sheriff’s Office including the town of Wallburg. Its officers conduct daily patrols, enforce traffic laws, and respond to calls for service. The Civil Division is responsible for serving civil and criminal processes assigned to the Sheriff’s Office as well as providing court security. The Investigations Division is made up of detectives, the sex offender registry unit, the Warrant Squad, and the TRACE unit. The Technical Services Division is made up of several units including Records, Professional Standards Unit, and D.A.R.E. The head of the Davidson County Sheriff’s Office is Richie T. Simmons.

Wallburg Police Department Address:
2511 E Hwy 64
Lexington, NC 27292

Wallburg Police Department Phone Number:
(704) 843-1680, Press 8

Records Request and Mugshots in Wallburg North Carolina

The Records Unit of the Davidson County Sheriff’s Office is responsible for maintaining all records and documents generated by the agency. If you want to obtain a copy of a police report, you can drop by the Records Unit at 2511 E Hwy 64
in Lexington, North Carolina. For more information, you can also contact this office at 336-242-2054.

County Sheriff, Warrant, Most Wanted Information in Wallburg, North Carolina

The Warrant Squad is responsible for serving all types of warrants assigned to the Davidson County Sheriff’s Office. If you want to ask about a specific warrant, you can get in touch with the Warrant Squad by calling 336-242-3089.

Wallburg North Carolina Information

Wallburg is a town that is located within Davidson County. It has a total population of 3,051 based on the 2020 census. The total area of the town is 5.59 square miles. The current mayor of Wallburg is Allen Todd. He can be reached at 336-934-7355 during the following hours:

Monday 9 am to 5 pm
Wednesdays 2 pm to 5 pm
Friday 9 am to 5pm

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