Union County Court

Wesley Chapel North Carolina Police Station Information

Wesley Chapel is rated an A+ for crime and safety because of its lower than average crime rate. The overall crime rate of the city is lower than the national average by 60%. In fact, only 30% of the cities in the US are considered safer than Wesley Chapel. The chances of becoming a victim of a crime is 1 in 108. In addition, the city’s total year over year crimes has decreased by 3%.

The village of Wesley Chapel contracts with the Union County Sheriff’s Office for community-based protection and safety services. The deputy assigned to the village is Deputy Brandon Wicker. He is responsible for patrolling around the village, answering calls for service from the citizens, and enforcing laws.

Wesley Chapel Police Department Address:
6490 Weddington Road, Wesley Chapel, NC 28104

Wesley Chapel Police Department Phone Number:

Records Request and Mugshots in Wesley Chapel North Carolina

Copies of police reports written by the deputy assigned to the Village of Wesley Chapel are available upon request. If you want to obtain one, you can visit the village office at 6490 Weddington Road. For more information, you can call 704-839-0182. For copies of crash reports in the county, you can visit the Union County Sheriff’s Office Crash Report Database online. You will need to provide the report number, date of the crash, driver’s name, and/or street name in order to locate the report and download a copy.

County Sheriff, Warrant, Most Wanted Information in Wesley Chapel, North Carolina

The Union County Sheriff’s Office provides information on its Most Wanted Fugitives online. Each fugitive on this list is shown with his/her complete name, photo, charge/s, age, race, hair color, eye color, and height. There is also a link provided that provides more details regarding the fugitive and his/her case. If you have information regarding a fugitive on this list, please contact the Union County Sheriff’s Office at (704) 283-3789 or Crimestoppers at (704) 283-5600.

Wesley Chapel North Carolina Information

Wesley Chapel is a village located within Union County. Based on the 2020 census, it has a total population of 8,681. The total area of the village is 9.80 square miles. The current mayor of Wesley Chapel is Amanda Fuller. She can be reached directly at 704-904-8117 or via email at [email protected].

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