Waxhaw North Carolina Police Station Information
As of August 2022, there are 282 registered sex offenders living in Waxhaw. The ratio of sex offenders to residents is 452 to 1 which is near the state average.
Waxhaw is rated an A+ for crime and safety because of its lower than average crime rate. The overall crime rate of the city is lower than the national average by 58%. In fact, only 21% of the cities in the US are considered safer than Waxhaw. The chances of becoming a victim of a crime is 1 in 101. However, the city’s total year over year crimes has decreased by 6%.
The Waxhaw Police Department is responsible for providing law enforcement services to the citizens and visitors of the town. It is staffed by 25 full-time officers and 5 part-time officers. It consists of five divisions – Administrative, Community Police, Patrol, Animal Control, and Detectives. The head of the Waxhaw Police Department is Chief of POlice Michael Eiss. You can contact him directly by calling (704) 843-0353 ext. 262.
Waxhaw Police Department Address:
3620 Providence Rd. South
Waxhaw, NC 28173
Waxhaw Police Department Phone Number:
(704) 843-0353
Waxhaw Police Department Additional Information:
Address 1: 209 S Main St
City: Waxhaw
State: North Carolina
Zip Code: 28173
County: Union County
Phone #: 704-843-0353
Fax #: 704-243-2144
Additional Information:
Type: Police Departments
Population Served: 4500
Number of Officers: 11