Inmate Records Check

Arrests, Warrants, Mugshot, Bookings

Stanly County Court, NC

Locust North Carolina Police Station Information

As of August 2022, there are 9 registered sex offenders living in Locust. The ratio of sex offenders to residents is 344 to 1.

Locust is rated an A- for crime and safety because of its lower than average crime rate. The overall crime rate of the city is lower than the national average by 45%. In fact, only 42% of the cities in the US are considered safer than Locust. The chances of becoming a victim of a crime is 1 in 79. In addition, the city’s total year over year crimes has decreased by 3%.

The Locust Police Department is responsible for ensuring the safety and security of the people who live, work, and visit the town. Its officers conduct daily patrols, enforce criminal and traffic laws, and investigate criminal offenses that occur within the town. They also respond to all calls for service from the community. The head of the Locust Police Department is Chief of Police Jeff B. Shew. He can be reached directly via email at [email protected].

Locust Police Department Address:
186 Ray Kennedy Dr, Locust, NC 28097

Locust Police Department Phone Number:

Locust Police Department Additional Information:

Address 1: 113 S Central Ave
City: Locust
State: North Carolina
Zip Code: 28097-7138
County: Stanly County
Phone #: 704-888-4744
Fax #: 704-888-1568

Additional Information:

Type: Police Departments
Population Served: 2500
Number of Officers: 14

Records Request and Mugshots in Locust North Carolina

Copies of reports from the Locust Police Department are available upon request. Requests can be submitted in person at 186 Ray Kennedy Drive. You may also submit a request via email to [email protected]. For more information, please call (704) 888-4744.

Inmate Records Check

Arrests, Warrants, Mugshot, Bookings

County Sheriff, Warrant, Most Wanted Information in Locust, North Carolina

The Stanly County Sheriff’s Office provides information on its Most Wanted Individuals on its Police to Citizen website. Each individual on this list has his/her name displayed along with his/her photo, race, sex, age, height, weight, and charges. If you have any knowledge about the location of an individual on this list, please call 704-986-3714.

Locust North Carolina Information

Locust is a small, rural city that can be found in Stanly and Cabarrus Counties. It has a total population of 4,537 based on the 2020 census. The total area of the city is 8.19 square miles. The current mayor of Locust is Steve Huber.

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